[Youth along the Silk Road Praise China] Thailand Host's Science and Technology Tour in China

Jiawen Zhao|ChinaNews|Published:2018-07-26 19:38:33

There are a group of young people from the Belt and Road countries. They are studying, traveling, working, or living in China, and therefore bound up with China. They have been witnessing the rapid change of China, sharing their own stories about China with others, and praising China for its change.

Recently, CRI Online has been releasing a series of news reports, Youth along the Silk Road Praise China, to listen to these young people's stories about China.

Thailand Host's Science and Technology Tour in China

Wootthinan is receiving an interview from CRI Online (Photo by Hexuan Zhang)

The protagonist of this episode is Wootthinan Nahim—a news anchor and technology show host from Nation TV in Thailand. He was recently invited to participate in the '2018 the Silk Road Rediscovery Tour of Beijing – Science & Technology', sponsored by the Information Office of Beijing Municipality and China Media Group CRI Online. During the three-day trip, Wootthinan experienced Beijing's advanced scientific and technological achievements and shared live broadcast with Thailand people in real time. Speaking of this tour, Wootthinan said with excitement, "Although I have been paying attention to the development of China's science and technology, what I have seen these days is beyond my expectation. The life of Chinese people is filled with technology, and everything is so convenient. I want to stay in China forever!"

Thailand Host's Science and Technology Tour in China

Wootthinan (right) interacted with the robot "Xiao Pang" (Photo by Hexuan Zhang)

In Wootthinan's view, China's development is compound. China is contributing to the independent innovation of science and technology to support and cultivate a group of outstanding high-tech experts and enterprises. Additionally, it also attaches great importance to integrating technology with culture and history. Wootthinan believes that this will provide new resources to China's future development. He said, "China's development is truly amazing as it has grown into the world's second largest economy in just a few decades. But the most amazing thing about China is that it is not'exclusive'. With powerful strength, China has not only applied those advanced technologies into its own people, but also benefited the neighboring countries. This thinking of openness and generosity reflects China's role as a major country. I hope China will develop better and better. "

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