2018 China Cybersecurity Week Opens in Chengdu, Sichuan

Wu Jie|ChinaNews|Published:2018-09-19 10:01:45


An intelligent robot issues cybersecurity handbooks to visitors (Photo by Liu Jie)

The 2018 Cyberspace Expo kicked off on September 17 at the Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province. The opening of the expo also marked the official launch of the 2018 China Cybersecurity Week in Chengdu.

This year’s edition of the Cyberspace Expo is the largest yet with an exhibition space of 22,000 square meters. The event, with the theme of "Cybersecurity for the People and by the People", seeks to promote safer intelligent home solutions, highlight technological innovation and showcase the distinctive qualities of Chengdu in addition to communicating information regarding network security solutions and related innovative products to visitors through an interactive experience. The expo is divided into seven exhibition spaces by theme, including the Chengdu Exhibition Area, Key Information Infrastructure Security Protection Exhibition Area and Safe Living Exhibition Area.

The expo has brought together representatives from more than 100 network security enterprises and institutions. It features progress made in cybersecurity personnel training, technological innovation and industrial development in addition to showcasing the most cutting-edge IT solutions in Artificial Intelligence, 5G and satellite interconnection.(Kevin)


The exhibition area of 2018 China Cybersecurity Week (Photo by Liu Jie)


Local residents experience VR equipment (Photo by Liu Jie)

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