World Fly-in Expo will be Held on May 18th in Wuhan

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-05-06 15:36:47


The press conference of World Fly-in Expo [Photo by Zhang Yongliang]

Recently, the press conference of World Fly-in Expo was held in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province.

World Fly-in Expo will take place on May 18th to 21st, 2019 at Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (Hannan) Air or Sea Navigation. The expo aimed at promoting the development of aviation sports in China, expanding the international communication, meeting the demands of aviation sports fans and stimulating the regional economy.

The opening ceremony of the expo will kick off in the morning of May 18th. Five types of 23 activities will take place during the event: seven aircraft flying shows, two aviation sports competitions, eight community and interactive activities, two static exhibitions and four forums.

Since the first World Fly-in Expo in 2017, the settlement of Wuhan development zone has signed 13 projects with Air or Sea Navigation, reaching 31.7 billion yuan. For the next plan, Wuhan development zone will attract investments related to Air or Sea Navigation industrial chains and openly introduce projects on generic aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicle, key accessories of Air or Sea Navigation, the operation and assurance of Air or Sea Navigation and general satellite.

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