The Opening of “the 2019 New Kinetic Energy•Qingdao Fair and Exhibition”

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-10-21 09:51:38

On October 19th, Qingdao City, Shandong Province witnessed the opening of the 2019 New Kinetic Energy•Qingdao Fair and Exhibition which was centered on “Spurring Kinetic Energy through Innovation, Enhancing Development through Cooperation”.


The Interior Scene of the Fair and Exhibition (Photo by Wang Jianing)

This fair and exhibition was intended to push the change from old to new kinetic energy through innovation and cooperation. Result presentations, plan presentations and project initiation were major items designed to facilitate the connection between international hi-tech products with Shandong market, to help the industrial upgrade and transformation and to enhance the building of Shandong’s comprehensive testing areas where the old kinetic energy can be turned into the new one.

This fair and exhibition included 1 theme exhibition area, 5 industrial exhibition areas and 4 special theme exhibition areas, covering the development of new kinetic energy in Shandong, smart manufacturing and smart life. Culture exhibitions were combined with scientific and technological exhibitions of smart robots, AI virtual broadcasters and VR experience.


The spectators were playing VR games on the spot(Photo by Wang Jianing).

Present at this fair and exhibition were altogether 261 enterprises, which included 22 Top 500 companies in the world, 14 Top 500 companies in China and 14 Top 500 companies in the private sector of China.


The Scene of the Fair and Exhibition(Photo by Wang Jianing)

This fair and exhibition was held at the same time with Shandong Major Project Initiation Conference of the Change from Old to New Kinetic Energy and Negotiation Meeting of International Cooperation, the Technological Forum of Sino-German Smart Manufacturing, and the Seminar of Responsible Persons for Shandong’s Overseas Talent Agencies and Establishment Conference of Shandong Talent-Attracting Union. These conferences have, for enterprises, R&D institutes, investment and financing agencies, and governments, created more business space, attracted more investors, cultivated new kinetic energy and promoted further development.

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