An excellent skill in the city | Learn to make traditional‘Zhengxing peach-shaped birthday cake’ from inheritors of intangible cultural heritage

|ChinaNews|Published:2020-04-15 17:45:10

On April 2, delicate craft of ‘traditional Zhengxing peach-shaped birthday cake’ shows online via "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near–Exploring Beijing online and enjoy intangible cultural heritage at home" Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Overseas Communication Project launched jointly by Beijing Culture-and-Tourism Bureau and CRIOnline. The event invites Mrs Zhao Haixia, the inheritor of ‘Zhengxing peach-shaped birthday cake’ manufacture skills, as well as Arabic and Korean multilingual "streaming" anchors from China Media Group, displayed at the museum of Dongsi Culture Centre how to make peach-shaped birthday cake with longevity blessing.


A Zhengxing traditional peach-shaped birthday cake crafted as an art production Photo: Zhang Linrui


Zhao Haixia, the inheritor of ‘Zhengxing peach-shaped birthday cake’ manufacture skills displays her delicate work of peach-shaped birthday cake with Ye Xinhua, an Arabic "streaming" anchor from China Media Group Photo: Hu Tianbo

The patent of craftmanship of making traditional Zhengxing peach-shaped birthday cake, recognized as an intangible cultural heritage on district level, belongs to Beijing Bianyifang Roast Duck Group Co. LTD. Zhao Haixia. the inheritor of ‘Zhengxing peach-shaped birthday cake’ manufacture skills shows the production process of Zhengxing cake. "First of all, knead the dough with flour, generally, add medium gluten flour, and press the dough repeatedly. Then press the surface and divide the surface evenly according to the size of the peach. The next step is to wrap the stuffing, and when finished began to shape it into a peach, with a red thread of dough ropes out of a character longevity; Finally, make it steamed and colored." said Zhao.

It is said that Zhengxing peach-shaped cake has won the trust and love of the majority of consumers by its novel shape, rich meaning, unique taste and excellent production.

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