Foreign Internet Celebrities Telling Fujian Stories - Episode 3∣Wuyi Listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Mainly Due to Ancient Philosopher Zhu Xi's Contributions

|ChinaNews|Published:2021-06-21 11:30:40

The representative of Confucianism in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is Confucius, while the representative of Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty is Zhu Xi. In ancient Chinese culture, Mount Tai and Wuyi Mountain are respected. In 1999, Wuyi Mountain was listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site. According to the local people, the honor granted for Wuyi Mountain is closely related to Zhu Xi, a Neo-Confucian master in the Southern Song Dynasty. This sage made great contributions to Wuyi Mountain's winning the title of world heritage.

In this video, as a foreigner obsessed with ancient Chinese culture and philosophy, Harald will tell you the story of Zhu Xi and Wuyi Mountain.


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