Dazzling Light Shows Held in Chengdu

|ChinaNews|Published:2021-07-01 10:50:20

Dazzling Light Shows Held in Chengdu_fororder_成都1

Twin Towers in Chengdu Financial City [Photo by Shen Qiaoqiao]

Recently, there were dazzling light shows staged in several spots, such as Tianfu Panda Tower, the sight corridor of Jinjiang River, the Twin Towers in Chengdu Financial City at Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Sichuan Provincial Library, Sichuan Grand Theater, Sichuan Art Museum, Jinjiang River Bridge, etc.

Dazzling Light Shows Held in Chengdu_fororder_成都2

Twin Towers in Chengdu Financial City [Photo by Shen Qiaoqiao]

"People of Chengdu are committed to the Communist Party of China." "Our 100-year journey surges forward with great momentum. Our original aspiration remains even firmer one hundred years later."... the slogans were displayed, lighting up the night sky and attracting many citizens to watch the show.

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