Foreign Internet Celebrity Visited the Cradle of Yimeng Spirit

|ChinaNews|Published:2021-08-30 12:45:30

The Communist Party of China is closely entwined with Yimeng people, sharing weal and woe. "Hongsao Spirit" and "Jiujianpeng Spirit" have witnessed that impressive time. Come with Egyptian online celebrity Abdelaziz Ahmed Abdelaziz Mahmoud Sallam, and experience "Yimeng Spirit" inherited by generations.

Foreign Internet Celebrity Visited the Cradle of Yimeng Spirit_fororder_11.webp

Foreign Internet Celebrity Visited the Cradle of Yimeng Spirit_fororder_22.webp

Foreign Internet Celebrity Visited the Cradle of Yimeng Spirit_fororder_33.webp

(Source: CRI Online)


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