A Return Visit to the No. 1 National Highway of the Republic of the Congo - The Daily Life of a Station Master

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-07-26 16:31:32

On the outskirts of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo, a minimalist tollbooth called Lifoula is carrying out its duties. Several cars disappear into the distance as the red and white railings are raised.

This is the key entrance to the No. 1 National Highway. In an office with a pale yellow paint job, Aubièrge is talking to her colleagues about their work. As the station manager, her role is to supervise the whole team and improve the quality of service. In the next two hours, Lifoula will see quite a heavy traffic, the first of two peak periods in a day.

Opened in 2016, the 535-kilometer-long No. 1 National Highway has served as a major transport artery from the capital Brazzaville to the key port city of Pointe-Noire, greatly enhancing land transportation in the Republic of the Congo. 

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