Solar Halo Shines over Linyi

|在临沂|Published:2022-05-27 14:28:22

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Photo taken on May 26 shows a spectacular view of solar halo appearing in the sky over Linyi City, east China's Shandong Province.

A stunning solar halo appears in the sky of Linyi City, leaving lots of ridescent cloudsaround the ring look like rainbows.

Encircling the sun,​asolar halo is an atmospheric optical phenomenon caused by sunlight being refracted or reflected by ice crystals as it passes through cirrostratus clouds. The more ice crystals there are in the clouds, the more visible the ring is.

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The iridescent clouds around the solar halo are formed by high-level clouds of ice crystals refracting sunlight.

​An old proverb in China says "Solar halos bring in rainfalls in midnight, while lunar halos come with winds at noontime," indicating the weather changes when halos appear in the sky.

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