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【Editorial Cartoon】Who is the hell to blame?
09:39:36 17-03-2023From:CRI Online of China Media GroupEditor:Liang Ning

【Editorial Cartoon】Who is the hell to blame?_fororder_s英【国际漫评】到底是谁的错

  Bank collapses happened in the United States within a few days, triggering volatility and panic in the market. President Biden delivered a speech Monday to reassure Americans, casting blame on investors and the Republican Party, while Republicans and former U.S. President Donald Trump pointed the finger at Democrats who are to blame for the crisis.

  Executive Producer|Wei Jing

  Producer|Jiang Lili

  Editor-in-Chief |Liang Shengwen

  Program Planner|Liang Ning

  Presented by CRI Online & China Internet Development Foundation