[Beijing in International Friends' Eyes] Picturesque Great Wall of China

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-07-22 11:49:53


The Great Wall of China is like a giant dragon meandering along the mountains (photo by John Raymond Ching Tiam)

The Great Wall of China is the barrier fortification of the largest scale in ancient China. The wall runs west-to-east 21,196 km, and the construction of it continued over 2000 years. The Great Wall has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is a symbol of Chinese people's wisdom and spirit. Like a giant dragon, the Great Wall crosses mountains, cliffs, steppe, and desert, meandering along the Yellow River and winding through precipices, which is very magnificent.


The magnificent Great Wall (photo by John Raymond Ching Tiam)


The Great Wall and the green plants surrounding it (photo by Raymond Schuster)

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The Great Wall in winter (photo by Kayani Masood)

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A kid in the scenery spot of Mutianyu Great Wall in Huairou, Beijing (photo by Danyal Gilani)

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The Great Wall attracts a large number of international visitors each year (photo by Mustapha Boukhir)

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