【Editorial Cartoon】NATO reaches beyond its geographical scope!
From:CRI Online of China Media Group
17:01:10 14-07-2023

【Editorial Cartoon】NATO reaches beyond its geographical scope!_fororder_英语_副本

  The NATO summit was held in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital on 11-12 July 2023. On the evening of 11th local time, a communique issued at the NATO's official website hypes up the "China threat" as a pretext aiming to interfere in Asia-Pacific affairs. The communique once again exposed NATO's ambition to extend its "black hand" towards the Asia-Pacific.

  Executive Producer|Duan Shuang

  Producer|Jiang Lili

  Editor-in-Chief |Liang Shengwen

  Program Planner|Liang Shengwen Chang Pengjing (intern)

  Presented by CRI Online & China Internet Development Foundation

Editor:Liang Shengwen