BeijingService's Fans Visit 'Colourful World': Eager for More!

| CRI Online |Published: 2024-09-18 10:25:42

On September 15, the 9th Colourful World - Cultural Exhibition of Countries along the Belt and Road opened its door to the public. BeijingService, the official English WeChat account of the International Web Portal of Beijing, invited 11 lucky followers to embark on a colourful journey at the exhibition.

Changile Gunjan Anil, a student from India, arrived early with her friends to participate in the event. At the booth of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in China, Gunjan savored Ceylon black tea, bought a few event-exclusive souvenirs, and collected stamps from the embassies of various countries. Reflecting on her day at the event, she expressed her intention to return the following day, stating that they had not had enough fun yet.

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Indian student Gunjan and her friend presenting their Silk Road Souvenir Passports

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Gunjan tasting Ceylon black tea at the booth of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in China

Arina Kopneva, a Russian student at the Communication University of China, said that this was her first time participating in the event. She was deeply fascinated by the charm of cultural integration showcased at the event.  Kopneva also found it particularly interesting to collect stamps with her Silk Road Souvenir Passport, stating that she wanted to collect every stamp available.

Another Russian student, Violetta Sazhina, said that she had learned about various cultures at the event, including those from countries she had not previously visited. Sazhina believes that the event provides a great opportunity for foreign students in Beijing to understand and experience the cultural charm of different peoples.

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Two Russian students asking the staff of the Embassy of Ghana in China to stamp their Silk Road Souvenir Passports

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Two Russian students displaying their Silk Road Souvenir Passports, Silk Road Lucky Bags, and the event-exclusive version of Vicken Bear

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Kamran Amin, a Pakistani expert, and his family at the event

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A young tourist from Pakistan and a Chinese tourist greeting each other with a high-five

Kamran Amin, a Pakistani expert at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who had been in China for eight years, took his wife, daughter, and son to attend the exhibition. His one-and-a-half-year-old boy, though not yet able to speak, greeted and shared a high-five with a visitor, a stranger to him until that time. Bridging differences in skin color and language, the moment exemplified the friendly connection between peoples of various countries, showing the warmth and strength brought by the blending and fusion of different cultures.

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BeijingService's followers interacting with a Sichuan Opera face-changing performer

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Followers of BeijingService posing for a group photo, with Silk Road Souvenir Passports and Silk Road Lucky Bags in their hands

After their journey ended, they reflected on their enjoyable experiences, commenting that they had a great time during the event. They said they would definitely participate in such an event again in the future.

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