Green Power Fuels "Dual Carbon" Goals in Jiangxi

|ChinaNews|Published:2025-02-27 14:22:11

Amidst the verdant peaks of Yuhua Mountain in Fengcheng, Jiangxi, rows of wind turbines rotate gracefully with the breeze, drawing a vivid picture of China's energy transformation. With a total installed capacity of 484 megawatts, this wind farm generates 99.81 million kilowatt-hours annually-enough to power 3 million households, while reducing CO2 emissions by 89,800 metric tons each year, equivalent to the carbon sink capacity of 1.3 million mature trees.

Green Power Fuels "Dual Carbon" Goals in Jiangxi_fororder_图片1

Wind turbines

Green Power Fuels "Dual Carbon" Goals in Jiangxi_fororder_图片2

Wind turbines

To implement the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality strategy, State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company has continuously upgraded grid infrastructure and conducted intelligent transformations. The company has enhanced peak-shaving capabilities, optimized power allocation mechanisms, and pioneered green power delivery corridors to maximize clean energy consumption. It has also launched a provincial green electricity online trading platform, enabling transparent renewable energy source certification and established a holistic service framework across the clean energy value chain, effectively translating natural "scenery" into a dynamic force for green and low-carbon development. (Written By Xu Man  Photos by Zhou Liang)

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