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【Editorial Cartoon】"Allies’ are mine"
15:23:04 26-10-2022From:CRI Online of China Media GroupEditor:Li Liwei

【Editorial Cartoon】"Allies’ are mine"_fororder_英语版

  Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict erupted, soaring natural gas prices have been prompting European companies to move their manufacturing operations.The Wall Street Journal recently published an article titled "High Natural-Gas Prices Push European Manufacturers to Shift to the U.S.". It said "The U.S. economy is a big winner from the energy crisis in Europe".

  Executive Producer|Duan Shuang

  Producer |Jiang Lili

  Editor-in-Chief |Liang Shengwen

  Program Planner |Bai Yang

  Illustrator|Cao Zhen

  Presented by CRI Online & China Internet Development Foundation