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【Editorial Cartoon】It is your turn !
09:11:44 09-05-2024From:CRI Online of China Media GroupEditor:Liang Ning

【Editorial Cartoon】It is your turn !_fororder_自“渔”自乐(英)

  Recently, Philippine National Security has stated that China is obstructing the Philippines from providing humanitarian assistance to Philippine fishermen in their fishing grounds.

  In fact, since China and the Philippines reached a temporary special arrangement in 2016, Philippine fishermen have been allowed to catch fish in the specific waters of the Huangyan Island. In order to advance its political agenda, the incumbent Philippine government has pushed Philippine fishermen to the forefront of maritime disputes under the guise of helping them.

  Presented by CRI Online

  Executive Producer | Chen Gang

  Chief Planner | Zhong Renzong

  Producer|Jiang Lili

  Editor-in-Chief |Liu Muchen

  Program Planner|Liang Ning

  Illustrator|Cao Zhen