Australian Professor Dufu Wen: the Architecture in Jindalai Village Displays the Simple Power of Nature

|ChinaNews|Published:2018-11-26 13:28:14

Last night I witnessed a splendid performance of pastoral song and dance. Held at the provincial theatre their presentation of the ´four seasonsʼ was enthusiastic and exuberant. In schools, the arts and in cultural activities efforts are being made to retain and develop the folk culture.

Australian Professor Dufu Wen:

Caption: Australian Professor Dufu Wen is visiting the Jindalai village in Yanbian [Photo by Ge Ningyuan]

In the brilliant blue morning last nightʼs ode to country life, folk villages and the simple power of nature was found at the Jindalai village. Situated roughly an hour from Yanji the village has perfect ´fengshuiʼ with a mountain behind and water on three sides. Over the past few years Jindalai has undergone a transformative construction program with over 110 houses displaying the architectural style of its local inhabitants. The area around the village too has seen over 88 farmhouse inns constructed with special consideration for cellars capable of storing the ubiquitous Kimchi or cold cabbage with red chilli.

Australian Professor Dufu Wen:

Caption: Australian Professor Dufu Wen is making rice cakes [Photo by Ge Ningyuan]

The white walled houses are roofed with grey ceramic tiles and curve upward at the tips. The windows and doors are the natural dark blond of the local wood and in the sun the village has a well kept air of interest and approachability. The inns are busy making jiaozi and rice cakes while in the village square drums beat out our welcome.

Australian Professor Dufu Wen:

Caption: Australian Professor Dufu Wen is making Bibimbap rice [Photo by Ge Ningyuan]

The food in the village was earthy and healthy. The local rice is of the very highest quality and was formerly for the Qing Emperorʼs table. Everywhere here local produce is on display, but it is almost always the spicy Kimchi that delivers a real culinary experience. Inside the giant cabbage sculpture not far from the village was an underground treasure trove of fermented, salted and spiced Kimchi. Todayʼs vegetable soup was simply outstanding and the oversized ´blackʼ dumplings of cabbage and pork were deliciously sweet and sour.

The integration of the Winter Economy, connectivity, tourism services and local production is unbeatable. A short train ride from Yanji, convenient transportation to Changbai Mountain and a focus on local ´folkʼ architecture, food, entertainment and culture leisure experiences has begun to draw tourists to the region. In the lead-up to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, Jilin province is sure to be a w

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