A Place Where the Millennial History of Ancient Azerbaijan Lives-Gamigaya Monument

|China Daily|Published:2021-08-14 20:30:05

A Place Where the Millennial History of Ancient Azerbaijan Lives-Gamigaya Monument

Gamigaya petroglyphs, or Gamigaya rock carvings date to the 4th-1st millennia BC. [Photo via chinadaily.com.cn]

The monument was once again researched in detail

Over the past 25 years, consistent measures have been taken to protect and restore historical and cultural monuments in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.Following the order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly "On the study of the Gamigaya monument in Ordubad region" signed on April 26, 2001, Gamigaya petroglyphs were studied on a scientific basis, dozens of scientific articles and books were written on this topic, "Gamigaya" Historical-Fictional Reserve was established. In 2005, an international expedition was organized to the Gamigaya monument, and archeological monuments around Gamigaya were studied and ethnographic, folklore and onomastic materials were collected.

In 2013, a building for 'Gamigaya' Historical-Fictional Reserve and Museum was commissioned. Consisting of two auxiliary rooms and an exhibition hall, the museum has more than 200 exhibits. Petroglyphs which have paintings on them, various books, newspapers, paintings, photographs of rock petroglyphs on the research work carried out in Gamigaya, as well as materials of scientific symposiums on the history of Nakhchivan were collected ın the museum.

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