Liupanshui, Guizhou: Pushing Winter Sports up the Plateau

|ChinaNews|Published:2021-12-16 17:34:43

Liupanshui, Guizhou: Pushing Winter Sports up the Plateau_fororder_图片1

Liupanshui citizens experiencing winter sports

In recent years, to promote the winter sports and the development of the winter tourism, Liupanshui city of southwest China's Guizhou Province on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau has, relying on its unique climate and geographical environment, built China's natural low-latitude ski resorts, namely the "Ice & Snow Fairytale" Plum Blossom Mountain International Ski Resort, the "Forest Sea & Snow Field" Yushe Snow Mountain Ski Resort and the "Snow Field on the Cloud" Wumeng Ski Resort, which are located at the south to the 26 degrees north.

The average winter temperature of Liupanshui city is 3℃. At present, the construction of 21 differed ski trails and the longest wild track of nearly one kilometer, can not only meet the standards of holding events, but also the sports-experience needs of ordinary ski lovers.

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