Hello World! This Is the Power of Jiangsu Museums

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-05-18 11:39:39

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The theme of International Council of Museums 2022 is "The Power of Museums". Museums are non-profit organizations that collect, research, and exhibit human and natural heritages. In recent years, Jiangsu Province has developed rapidly in the field of museums, and a number of museums with strong cultural creativity, wide dissemination and great influence have emerged.

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Nanjing Museum is the first large-scale comprehensive museum funded and constructed by the state. The overall appearance has both traditional elements and modern style.

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The Ten Dynasties History and Culture Exhibition Hall is located in Nanjing, showing the essence and charm of Nanjing's history and culture. It was rated among the first batch of "Nanjing Literature Living Room" in 2021.

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Suzhou Museum is a comprehensive museum that collects, displays, researches and disseminates Suzhou’s history, culture and art. It was designed by the world architect I.M. Pei.

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Suzhou Silk Museum is well known for the achievements in restoration and conservation of silk cultural relics.  The museum demonstrates China's 6000-year-old silk history from fabulous silk cultural relics, mulberry planting, silkworm breeding to finished garments. Besides, there are the performances of traditional silk weaving as well as the application of the modern silk technology on the daily life.

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Wuxi Museum is mainly characterized by displaying ancient calligraphy and painting, purple sand of the past dynasties, Huishan clay figurines, modern revolutionary cultural relics and national industrial and commercial cultural relics. Its calligraphy and painting collection enjoys a good reputation among domestic museums.

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Nantong Museum was founded in 1905 by Zhang Jian, a Number One Scholar at the end of the Qing Dynasty, a famous industrialist and an educator in modern times. It is the first public museum founded by Chinese in China.

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The main building of Nantong National Museum of Chinese Zhusuan is novel, unique and well-proportioned. It is a place of cultural interest mixing the culture of abacus calculation with the local conditions and customs around Haohe River, with a collection of over 10,000 items on abacus. National Museum of Chinese Zhusuan is a place of cultural interest mixing the culture of abacus calculation with the local conditions and customs around Haohe River. It covers an area of 30 acres with a floor space of 6,000㎡,With a collection of over 10,000 items on abacus.

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Yancheng Museum is a comprehensive museum, showing the five thousand years of civilization history of Yancheng and the urban development history of more than 2,100 years.

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Yancheng China Sea-salt Museum is the only large-scale specialty museum approved by the State Council that comprehensively presents Chinese sea-salt history and civilization, protecting and researching historical materials of sea-salt culture.

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