Tengshi Auto’s Twilight Library Helps Rural Education

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-02-27 08:47:57

A group of volunteers from “Dandangzhe Action” led by Tengshi Auto's sales GM Zhao Changjiang donated thousands of books to Shangping Primary School in Sanyang County, Pingjiang Township, on Tengshi D9 book reading promotion day, when the school held a special red scarf wearing ceremony to welcome the arrival of the Spring. It was an occasion when students set their ambitions and dreams.

Zhao and volunteers interacted happily with the students, taking classes together and sharing the joy of reading. Tengshi has been motivated by the practice of corporate-led public welfare model, taking it as the embodiment of the corporate sustainability and humanistic stance.

Tengshi Auto’s Twilight Library Helps Rural Education_fororder_1

It is known that when fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, Tengshi Auto began to pay attention to rural children's limited access to books. It started to build book corners in cooperation with Fujian Dandangzhe Foundation, exploring a path of public welfare with practical and instructional value. At the beginning of the public welfare project "Books from afar", Tengshi collected books from its customers for book corners. A lot of suggestions and ideas have been received. As the rolling out of "Books for afar-Tengshi D9 book reading promotion day", the company planned to establish Tengshi Twilight book corners in 271 classrooms of 38 schools in the county, benefiting over 8,000 local students. For many teenagers in Pingjiang County, this public welfare project will open up another possibility in their lives since reading can enhance their confidence and perseverance and ignite their hope for the future. As the old saying goes, knowledge changes fate.

Zhao said that Tengshi Auto is a brand with a dream, a vision and a mission. Its value is to co-exist and share the good things with the society. It cooperated with the "Dandangzhe Action" to build public welfare book corners with high-quality books for children, aiming to help them broaden their horizon and expand their knowledge. In the future, Tengshi Auto will keep expanding its public welfare endeavors in green, S&T, educational fields and give back to the society with concrete actions.

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