3.2 Million Pots of Chrysanthemums Adorn Kaifeng, Henan

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-10-25 17:46:00

3.2 Million Pots of Chrysanthemums Adorn Kaifeng, Henan_fororder_11

Chrysanthemums bloom in succession [Photo by Zhang Yuqing]

In the golden October, the streets of Kaifeng, Henan, China are filled with various types of chrysanthemums. The colorful chrysanthemums bring forth the beauty of nature in abundance. Kaifeng excels in chrysanthemum cultivation with a wide variety of chrysanthemum species, boasting large, vibrant flowers and sturdy stems. It is renowned as "a City of Chrysanthemum".

3.2 Million Pots of Chrysanthemums Adorn Kaifeng, Henan_fororder_12

Chrysanthemum design [Photo by Zhang Yuqing]

During the 41st Chrysanthemum Culture Festival in Kaifeng, China, a total of 3.2 million pots of chrysanthemums are displayed, creating a beautiful spectacle of a city immersed in a sea of flowers and charming chrysanthemums. Additionally, public spaces such as street corners, squares, parks and other green spaces feature themed landscapes with small chrysanthemum-related flower beds, highlighting urban renewal and promoting the spirit of co-construction and sharing, and the festive atmosphere of celebration throughout the city.

3.2 Million Pots of Chrysanthemums Adorn Kaifeng, Henan_fororder_13

Colorful chrysanthemums [Photo by Zhang Yuqing]

The 41st Chrysanthemum Culture Festival showcases a rich variety of chrysanthemum species. Particularly noteworthy are the colorful chrysanthemums cultivated with bioluminescent pigments, which allow a single flower to exhibit multiple colors. This novel and unique creation symbolizes the brilliance of life and the vitality of existence, earning them the name "Chrysanthemums of Happiness".

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Blue chrysanthemums [Photo by Zhang Yuqing]

3.2 Million Pots of Chrysanthemums Adorn Kaifeng, Henan_fororder_15

Chrysanthemums compete with each other for beauty and splendor [Photo by Zhang Yuqing]

3.2 Million Pots of Chrysanthemums Adorn Kaifeng, Henan_fororder_16

Potted autumn chrysanthemums in full bloom [Photo by Zhang Yuqing]

Kaifeng boasts over 2,000 varieties of chrysanthemums, with a focus on potted  chrysanthemums blooming in autumn, making them the main highlight of the Chrysanthemum Culture Festival. In addition, the Festival also features a nighttime tour, where the perfect integration of lights and chrysanthemums creates a stunning night view for visitors to enjoy. This offers both domestic and international tourists an unprecedented chrysanthemum viewing experience.

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