Koi in Jinan Baotu Spring Park

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-11-07 15:42:24

Koi is a very common fish in China and has been a symbol of good luck since ancient times. It is also known as a living gem in the water. Recently, Baotu Spring Park has welcomed a large number of citizens and tourists. They not only come to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the three streams of water that have been continuously flowing for 20 years, but also many tourists from other places come to see the three fat koi that have become popular due to being overweight in the pool. Some of the tourists are asking their souls: Has the koi in Jinan Baotu Spring Park successfully lost weight?

Fat Carp in Baotu Spring Park, Jinan [Photo via Jinan International Communication Center]

Recently, in the Baotu Spring scenic area, the patrolling police stopped tourists from feeding, telling them, "Don't throw fish food into the water; these fish are already too fat!" The reason why the koi has become so fat is mainly due to two reasons. Firstly, the quality of Baotu Spring water is good and suitable for fish growth. Excessive feeding by tourists is another reason. In addition, some female koi have difficulty laying eggs due to constant water temperatures, accumulating hundreds or even millions of eggs in their stomachs, making them even more obese.

Videos about chubby koi on the internet often generate very high likes and reposts, and even the popular Weibo search for patting koi for peace and blessings has a very high reading volume. In fact, in recent years, there have been numerous cases where the fat koi has become popular, such as the short videos of the lighting show on the Chao Ran Building, college students’ occupancy of Qianfo Mountain aiming to see the sunrise, and the romantic heart-shaped traffic lights on Jingsan Road. Jinan's new destinations for internet celebrities to visit have blossomed one after another and frequently become popular.

The beautiful scenery of Jinan [photo via Jinan International Communication Center]

Jinan is a city rich in IP resources, with a unique landscape of mountains, springs, lakes, rivers, cities, and various historical and cultural resources, providing rich materials for telling the story of Jinan well. Located in the northern part of Jinan, it embodies the charm of a southern city. A popular short video precisely explains this point. The historic city of Jinan is moving towards the goal of becoming a super popular city on the internet.

(Source:Jinan International Communication Center)

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