Shandong University of Technology, Novgorod State University Deepen Cooperation Online

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-05-17 16:58:35

Recently, Shandong University of Technology and Novgorod State University jointly held a fruitful video conference on exchange and cooperation.

Shandong University of Technology, Novgorod State University Deepen Cooperation Online

Cong Hailin as the vice-president firstly gave a detailed introduction to the attendees about Shandong University of Technology's disciplinary construction, faculty, talent cultivation, scientific research, and international exchange and cooperation. He emphasized that Shandong University of Technology has always attached great importance to international exchange and cooperation, and expressed the willingness to engage in deep cooperation with Novgorod State University to achieve complementary advantages and common development.

The relevant person in charge of Novgorod State University reviewed the achievements made by the two universities in cooperation and exchange, and briefly introduced the recent situation in Russia.

The success of the video conference not only deepened the understanding and friendship between the two universities, but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between the two sides. Both sides expressed that they would continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and jointly promote the development of education.



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