“Exploring Zibo, Meeting Zhoucun” Foreign Friends Explores Remarkable Products in Zhoucun District, Zibo City

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-05-23 15:31:57

Recently, the Zhoucun remarkable products experience tour, part of the series of activities themed “Exploring Zibo, Meeting Zhoucun” organized by Zibo City, kicked off at the Ancient Mall of Zhoucun District, Zibo City. Twelve foreign friends from Zibo Vocational Institute participated in this event.

“Exploring Zibo, Meeting Zhoucun” Foreign Friends Explores Remarkable Products in Zhoucun District, Zibo City_fororder_图片1

Group photo [Photo via the Information Office of Zibo Municipal People’s Government]

Foreign friends visited the Zhoucun Sesame Seed Cake Exhibition Hall, Yibaisui fast food restaurant, the century-old Yishengyong Brewing House and the "Zhiyin Teahouse". They tasted the Zhoucun sesame seed cake in the Zhoucun Sesame Seed Cake Museum and learned about the inheritance and development of the sesame seed cake over the past century. They also tasted "vegetarian meat" (the meat-like food made from tofu or vegetables) at the Yibaisui fast food restaurant, savored the sweet and sour vinegar-flavored drink at Yishengying Brewing House, and finally explored the Chinese tea culture at the "Zhiyin Teahouse".

“Exploring Zibo, Meeting Zhoucun” Foreign Friends Explores Remarkable Products in Zhoucun District, Zibo City_fororder_图片2

Foreign friends visited Yishengyong Brewing House. [Photo via the Information Office of Zibo Municipal People’s Government]

This event allows more foreign friends experience the strong culture atmosphere of the Ancient Mall of Zhoucun and explore special and remarkable Zhoucun products through visiting, thus making the whole world hear the voice of Zibo.

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