Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Officially Opens with Selected Pieces of Beijing's Eight Imperial Handicrafts Showed

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-08-07 18:27:37

After six months of commissioning, the Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center has officially opened at Shajing Hutong, not far away from the bustling Nanluoguxiang. From now on, it will reserve specific days each month for residents and students to visit, and accept group tour bookings.

The Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center is in a late Qing Dynasty quadrangle, covering 2,200.3 sqm, with 15 exhibition halls and experience spaces in different sizes inside.

Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Officially Opens with Selected Pieces of Beijing's Eight Imperial Handicrafts Showed_fororder_1

By walking into the gate, visitors are greeted by the Lord Rabbit wall with hundred Chinese family surnames.

Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Officially Opens with Selected Pieces of Beijing's Eight Imperial Handicrafts Showed_fororder_2

The exquisite works of "Yanjing Eight Palace Handicrafts" are presented here.

Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Officially Opens with Selected Pieces of Beijing's Eight Imperial Handicrafts Showed_fororder_3

Interactive experience of traditional Chinese calligraphy.

Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Officially Opens with Selected Pieces of Beijing's Eight Imperial Handicrafts Showed_fororder_4

Visitors watching the Shadow Puppet show.

Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Officially Opens with Selected Pieces of Beijing's Eight Imperial Handicrafts Showed_fororder_5

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