Li Yanshan

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-08-07 17:59:34

Li Yanshan_fororder_liyanshan

Li Yanshan, born in Beijing in 1963. He graduated from Beijing Normal University with a degree in Economics and holds an MBA. He has worked for Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the foreign economic and trade department. He is now retired as an intangible cultural heritage project manager and culture expert in China Quanjude Group. He has participated in the compilation of Beijing, the Capital of China (large-scale photo album), wrote Quanjude's Story, edited Quanjude's Present and Past, Quanjude and International Friends (large-scale photo album), Quanjude Zhuzhi Poems and Couplets Collection, participated in the planning of Quanjude Exhibition Hall, and provided creative materials for many films and TV plays reflecting with the theme of Quanjude. He is a member of Beijing Historical and Geographical Folklore Society, Beijing Cultural Protection Association and Xicheng Couplets Association and has done some research on the modern commercial history and catering history of Beijing . He had held lectures at Beijing Normal University, China Agricultural University, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, Beijing College of Finance and Commerce and had participated in interviews of CCTV, Beijing TV, Beijing Radio and other media.

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