600-Year-Old Deshengmen Inner Street Renovated

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-08-07 18:42:39

After nearly a year of renovation, Deshengmen Inner Street spanning over 1,700 meters in the Shichahai area now has a new look.

600-Year-Old Deshengmen Inner Street Renovated_fororder_1

600-Year-Old Deshengmen Inner Street Renovated_fororder_2

The street, originally built during the Yuan Dynasty, runs southward from Deshengmen to Di'anmen West Street. As a historical and cultural street that stretches the full length of the Shichahai area, it is home to seven communities, 26 traditional alleyways, a cultural tour route, a wetland park, and protected cultural sites such as Prince Qing's Mansion and Mei Lanfang Memorial. Traditional craftsmanship has been employed in the restoration of the facades of the buildings along the street, aiming to preserve their historical integrity.

To optimize traffic flow, the widths of motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes have been adjusted, and nine sections of the sidewalks have been widened. There are now 101 roadside parking spaces for motor vehicles and 57 designated parking areas for non-motor vehicles.

In addition, 60 small green spaces have been built, and numerous flower beds and mini parks have been added to the street, to create a rich garden-like landscape. A micro garden has been set up to the east of Mei Lanfang Memorial. Moreover, 52 additional trees have been planted along the street, and the central green belt has been optimized, with an additional 915 square meters of green space.

What’s more, business upgrades have taken place at seven key locations, with the introduction of traditional time-honored brands and convenience service outlets, making essential services more accessible to residents.

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