International experience officer looks at Guangdong: Guangzhou's innovative path of "recycling" waste edible oils and fats

|CRI Online|Published:2024-11-14 11:23:22

  Among many aspects concerning people’s well-being, the collection, transportation, and disposal of kitchen waste and waste edible oils and fats are crucial to food safety and the health of citizens. These are small but vital matters affecting people’s daily lives. Guangzhou has essentially implemented franchising for the collection, transportation, and disposal of waste edible oils, effectively preventing them from entering illegal channels at the source. In this video, Daniil, an international experience officer from Russia, delves into the current situation of Guangdong’s collection, transportation, and treatment of waste edible oils and fats, uncovering the "Guangzhou experience" and "Guangzhou model" of urban green development.

  Product Unit | CRI online

  Supervisor | Che Yuanyuan

  Planning | Che Yuanyuan Huang Hong

  Producer | Shen Rongzheng

  Camera | Wu Guojun, Lin Zhenrong

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