Nanyang, Henan: Special Inspections to Reduce Wildfire Risks and Ensure Power Grid Security

|ChinaNews|Published:2025-02-26 16:02:58

After the beginning of spring, the temperature has risen. Dry vegetation, such as fallen leaves and dead trees along power lines, increases the risk of wildfires. Since February, the State Grid Nanyang Power Supply Company has proactively conducted  thorough inspections to mitigate spring wildfire risks and safeguard electrical infrastructure.

Nanyang, Henan:  Special Inspections to Reduce Wildfire Risks and Ensure Power Grid Security_fororder_图片1

Staff conducting drone inspections (Photo by Wu Qiong)

The State Grid Nanyang Power Supply Company has established a wildfire prevention task force and assigned professional personnel to strengthen line inspections for wildfire prevention. Tasks have been assigned to individuals for each line and pole in areas with high chances of wildfires. Potential hazards identified in power lines, transformer areas, and other facilities are registered and recorded, with clear deadlines set to eliminate possible fire sources. Efforts focus on eliminating fire risks by clearing overgrown vegetation, maintaining safe distances between trees and power lines, and removing flammable debris like dry grass and waste. Advanced technologies, such as video surveillance and drone inspections, are utilized to expand visible range along transmission lines, enabling quick responses to possible grid faults. These measures ensure that grid equipment in high-risk areas remains fully monitored, controlled, and secure.

Meanwhile, staff have visited local villages to raise awareness about wildfire prevention, distributing safety materials. They explained to residents the dangers wildfires pose to power infrastructure, urging them to avoid burning debris, discarding cigarette butts, or engaging in risky activities near power lines. They have also installed warning signs in key forested areas. These efforts aim to foster public awareness of fire safety and line protection.

Looking ahead, the State Grid Nanyang Power Supply Company will continue assessing and mitigating fire risks along transmission lines, thereby ensuring a secure and stable environment for power equipment and infrastructure.

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