State Grid Jingmen Power Supply Company Implements "Bird + Line Protection" Strategy, Completes First Bird Perch Installation

|ChinaNews|Published:2025-03-21 16:33:39

In Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, near the Han River Basin, State Grid Hubei Jingmen Power Supply Company's transmission line maintenance team recently completed the initial installation of bird perches on towers 38-39 of the 110kV Nianxiao Line. This effort aims to guide migratory birds away from sensitive power grid zones, providing dual protection for both the power grid and avian habitats.

State Grid Jingmen Power Supply Company Implements "Bird + Line Protection" Strategy, Completes First Bird Perch Installation_fororder_图片4

Transmission Line Maintenance Workers Install Bird Perches for Migratory Birds  

Photo by Yang You

As the ecological environment of the Han River Basin continues to improve, the Jingmen area, a key migratory route for birds, is experiencing a notable rise in populations of migratory birds like egrets and black storks. The increasing number of migratory birds congregating and perching on transmission towers poses a potential safety risk, as their droppings can fall onto insulators and power lines, which can cause pollution flashovers and short circuits. In response, State Grid Jingmen Power Supply Company is proactively implementing a "bird and power line protection" strategy, independently designing and installing dedicated bird perches to offer safe havens for these migratory birds.

State Grid Jingmen Power Supply Company Implements "Bird + Line Protection" Strategy, Completes First Bird Perch Installation_fororder_图片5

Transmission Line Maintenance Workers Working at Height

Photo by Yang You

Constructed from corrosion-resistant metal, the bird perches have a roughly cubic shape and stand approximately 1.5 meters tall. They are installed in non-electrified sections of the power towers. The top layer features a well-shaped frame constructed from metal bars roughly 2 meters in length – a design that allows birds to grip and perch easily. Beneath this, the second layer is a 0.6-meter-deep metal mesh frame, designed to facilitate nest building.

This year, the company intends to carry out a comprehensive installation of these bird perches across Jingmen. Further design improvements are planned, including adding wind deflectors and increasing the perching area, to significantly increase bird occupancy rates.

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