State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company: “Smart Spring Plowing” in Fully Electrified Greenhouses

|ChinaNews|Published:2025-03-26 14:26:27

As the busy spring plowing season arrives again, we step into the vast farmlands of Hangzhou’s countryside. It reveals a shift from  traditional scenes of farmers toiling under heavy loads. Nowadays, farmers can remotely control agricultural operations, such as fertilization and irrigation with just a few taps on their devices. Agricultural technology and machinery are fully empowering spring plowing, ushering in a new chapter in smart agriculture.

In the greenhouses of the Strawberry Lord Theme Farm in Linping District, rows of pink, tender strawberries hang like waterfalls in the air and can be flexibly adjusted to any height.

State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company: “Smart Spring Plowing” in Fully Electrified Greenhouses_fororder_图片1

Employees of State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company are inspecting electrical equipment in the smart greenhouse of the Strawberry Lord Theme Farm in Linping District

Photo by Zhang Fangge

Hangzhou Kangcheng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. operates a 315-acre digital seedling cultivation facility with greenhouses. Inside the greenhouses, precision seeders operate on automated production lines, systematically carrying out a series of plug-tray seeding operations. The trays filled with seeds are being transported in batches to smart germination chambers.  

At the same time, the seedling cultivation factory is fully equipped with a ground-source heating system, a rainwater recycling system, IoT-based environmental control, and a digitally integrated water-fertilizer management system. These systems scientifically regulate external growth factors, such as temperature, humidity, and fertilization, so as to ensure that the seedlings grow in an optimal environment while significantly reducing labor costs.

“Smart Spring Plowing” requires the installation and stable operation of numerous electrical devices. According to the State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company, its power supply department has provided customized power access solutions for agricultural production facilities, such as irrigation systems and integrated water-fertilizer equipment in smart greenhouses.  

With the rise of technology-driven farms and high-tech agricultural enterprises, the State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company has proactively expanded its services by adding two 10kV power lines, erecting 15 new utility poles, and upgrading 10.9 kilometers of high-voltage lines. These efforts have provided a solid energy foundation for rural revitalization, supporting the sustained prosperity and development of rural industries. (Written by Qian Yulei)

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