Delegation of CISM Carries out Second Inspection in Wuhan

Wan Ling, Wan Jianhui, Liu Mengting, Shao Yujie|ChinaNews|Published:2018-10-17 09:09:39


Officials of CISM inspect the construction of Dongxihu Sports Centre through a sand table. (Photo by Li wei)

On Oct. 9th Joseph Bakari, World Summer Games Assistant and Rafael Pinheiro, Director Deputy and Sports Committee Manager went on a tour of inspection of Dongxihu Sports Centre which is under construction. After witnessing “China Speed”—the workload of 1000 working days has already been completed within 700 working days, they believed that the 7th CISM World Summer Games Wuhan 2019 would be held successfully as planned.

The arrival of two officials of CISM is a prelude to CISM’s second inspection this year. From now on, 21 officials of CISM and heads of Sports Committees will begin arriving in Wuhan, inspecting competition organizations and the construction of sporting venues and facilities. Executive Committee Office of 7th CISM World Summer Games Wuhan 2019 (the military), General Administration of Sport of China, and heads of Sports Committees and the relevant departments of the Executive Committee will work with CISM personnel to further promote venue construction and competition organization and preparations over the next 18 days.

Joseph and Rafael made an on-the-spot investigation into the gymnasium, natatorium and the main stadium in Dongxihu Sports Cerntre. They enquired and recorded important information at times in front of the renderings and functional diagrams, and communicated and discussed with technicians on the construction site and members of Executive Committee Office and Table Tennis Sports Committee.

They also showed their appreciation for the world-leading technology of ring steel lock adopted in the construction of the main stadium. This technology reduces roofing steel quantity and guarantees the lightness of the framework, which not only conserves energy but also protects the environment.

“In May, 2018, we’ve witnessed ‘China Speed’ and given our feedback on our first inspection to the member nations. This time, we are aiming to make the athletes have nothing to worry about.” After preliminary investigation, Rafael mentioned that the athletes would be proud of competing at such venues. Knowing Dongxihu Sports Centre will be open for the public after the Games, he regarded it as “Wuhan’s sports heritage left to all citizens”.

Joseph praised the weather in Wuhan in the early autumn. He said that, at this time in 2019, such weather would be very advantageous to athletes.

According to Zhu Yuqing, Deputy Director of Executive Committee Office of 7th CISM World Summer Games Wuhan 2019 (the military), in accordance with the organization work of the Games, 35 competition events of this Games and the corresponding committees are involved in this inspection by the heads of Sports Committees of CISM. CISM’s inspection and negotiation with China is also a practical test of the preparations for the Sports Committees. Under the leadership of the Executive Committee, Sports Committees have formulated relevant plans to sign the memorandum and other documents, in coordination with CISM on the inspection and negotiation of the venue standards, technical standards of functional rooms, equipment standards and its procurement methods, and competition organizations, etc.

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