Boxing Test Event of 7th CISM Military World Games Kicked off

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-06-19 14:09:21

On June 12th, the boxing test event for the 2019 Military World Games and the third event of the 2019 China Boxing Tournament officially kicked off at Wuhan Sports University in Hubei province.


The boxing test event of the 7th CISM Military World Games [Photo by Yu Zhiyong]

In the six-day test event, 40 teams will compete in 15 levels. The competition will adopt the latest boxing and competition rules examined by Chinese Boxing Association. There are three rounds for three minutes in each competition and each round will leave one minute for rest. The rewards will be given to top five on each level.


The competition spot of the boxing test event of the 7th CISM Military World Games [Photo by Gao Yushan]

The test event is hosted by Chinese Boxing Association and organized by the boxing commission of the 7th CISM Military World Games and Wuhan Sports University. During the test event from June 12th to 17th, the boxing commission of the 7th CISM Military World Games will examine the equipment and competition procedures in all around, assess the comprehensive effects, learn the experience, train the teams and establish a high-quality and scientific system on service and management, so as to ensure that the boxing competition of the 7th CISM Military World Games will be held successfully in October, 2019.

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