The Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office: a century-old building changes into a cultural and artistic space

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-09-29 14:34:53

September 2019, located in the heart of the Jiefangbei Business District, Yuzhong District, Chongqing Municipality, a three-story French building, the Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office during the Second World War, was open to the public.


The Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office open to the public, photo by Yang Fei

Built in 1910 and designed by a French, the Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office is a French building of brick and timber structure with exquisite inside. In 2013, this building covering more than 1,000m2 was included into the seven batch of important heritage sites under state protection.


Wooden stairs of the Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office, photo by Yang Fei

June 2019, the building was renovated and used for holding cultural and artistic activities. On September 1, 2019, it saw the first exhibition displaying about 70 oil paintings, wood blocks, sculptures and others from several famous artists, and was open to the public for free. As planned, it will be built as an interesting, beautiful, quality and valuable cultural and artistic space by exhibition, academic exchange, art salon and other activities.


A room simulating the Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office, photo by Yang Fei


Tables and chairs on corridor for tourists, photo by Yang Fei

To give an idea of the building's history, three rooms have been created to simulate the Old Site of China-UK Liaison Office, including offices and conference rooms. Such three rooms can also be used as reading rooms for tourists to experience the atmosphere about 80 years ago. Each floor is equipped with L-shaped corridor where is placed with special tables and chairs for tourists to have a rest, tea or coffee.


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