Zhaohua District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province: in Late Autumn, with the Enchanting Harvest Scene, the Persimmons Turn Red

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-11-17 15:48:36

At the beginning of November every year, in Niutou Village, Zhaohua Town, Zhaohua District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, the red persimmons hang on the branches. They can be seen everywhere in front of the farmhouses and behind the forest paths, forming a beautiful scenery line, attracting tourists from far away for sightseeing and picking.

It is understood that most persimmon trees in Niutou Village are more than a hundred years old. With the traditional villages under the ultramarine mountains, the vigorous branches and red persimmons bring out the best in each other, looking like a Chinese ink painting.

"I came here from Chengdu to take pictures of the beautiful scenery and captured the red persimmons under the blue sky and white clouds." Photography enthusiast Cheng Kaiyu said.

Under the persimmon trees, local villagers also take advantage of the fine weather to pick and make dry persimmons, and make them into soft persimmons, persimmon cakes and other delicious food. Today, persimmon has become the local people to increase income and get rich characteristic industry.

Zhaohua District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province: in Late Autumn, with the Enchanting Harvest Scene, the Persimmons Turn Red_fororder_图片 2

Villager making dried persimmons [Photo by Li Jiansheng]

Zhaohua District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province: in Late Autumn, with the Enchanting Harvest Scene, the Persimmons Turn Red_fororder_图片 1

Villager picking persimmons [Photo by Li Jiansheng]

Zhaohua District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province: in Late Autumn, with the Enchanting Harvest Scene, the Persimmons Turn Red_fororder_图片 3

Persimmons are all over the mountain [Photo by Li Jiansheng]

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