The 2nd Wulijie Rapeseed Flower Festival Opens in Jiangxia District, Wuhan

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-03-15 16:59:00

On March 14, Jiangxia District Spring Flower Tourism Promotion and the 2nd Wulijie Rapeseed Flower Festival opened in Liangzi Lake Shiguang Ranch, Wuhan. The golden flower sea composed of rapeseed flowers is fascinating.

The 2nd Wulijie Rapeseed Flower Festival Opens in Jiangxia District, Wuhan_fororder_图片1

Sea of rapeseed flowers in Wulijie, Jiangxia District [Photo via the Publicity Department of the CPC Jiangxia District Committee]

Liangzi Lake Shiguang Ranch is located on Wulijie Street which is located in the east of Jiangxia, with beautiful scenery and convenient transportation conditions. The street is the backyard of Wuhan. In 2021, the 1st Rapeseed Flower Festival attracted nearly 600,000 tourists to come to enjoy the flowers and contributed to the development of the agritourism sector of the surrounding areas.

The 2nd Wulijie Rapeseed Flower Festival Opens in Jiangxia District, Wuhan_fororder_图片2

A little train in Shiguang Ranch [Photo via the Publicity Department of the CPC Jiangxia District Committee]

The 2nd Wulijie Rapeseed Flower Festival Opens in Jiangxia District, Wuhan_fororder_图片3

Sea of rapeseed flowers in Wulijie [Photo via the Publicity Department of the CPC Jiangxia District Committee]

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