Chengdu High-tech Zone Speeds up Building a National First-class Ultra-high-definition Video Industry Cluster

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-05-30 17:44:48

Recently, the "China UHD+ Industry Application Promotion Conference" was held in Chengdu High-tech Zone, where the first list of ultra-high-definition technology and application cooperation projects and supporting programs were released on the spot.

Chengdu High-tech Zone Speeds up Building a National First-class Ultra-high-definition Video Industry Cluster_fororder_图片3

Gazelle Valley Digital Cultural and Creative Industry Base [Photo via Publicity Office of the Party-mass Work Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone]

Subsequently, Chengdu High-tech Zone made an on-site promotion at the meeting and released the "Chengdu High-tech Zone Ultra-HD Video Industry Three-Year Action Plan (2023-2025)" (draft for comments) to showcase the advantages of the industrial base and cooperation opportunities.

Chengdu High-tech Zone Speeds up Building a National First-class Ultra-high-definition Video Industry Cluster_fororder_图片4

National Ultra HD Video Innovation Center [Photo via Publicity Office of the Party-mass Work Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone]

According to the plan, in the next three years, Chengdu High-tech Zone will focus on the Ultra-high-definition Video Industry to "Build the Circle and Strengthen the Chain", and develop in coordination with the two manufacturing positions of High-tech West District and Future Science and Technology City; focus on ultra-high-definition video front-end technology, scene applications, core manufacturing, etc. The key direction is to focus on five aspects: developing technological breakthroughs, introducing and cultivating chain main enterprises, expanding chain supporting facilities, expanding market applications, and strengthening policy support.

At present, the ultra-high-definition video industry in Chengdu High-tech Zone has formed a relatively complete industrial chain covering collection and production, network transmission, and terminal presentation; strive to build the region into a leading domestic ultra-high-definition video innovation highland, an application demonstration center and advanced manufacturing bases by 2025.

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