'Amazing Gansu' Interview Team Visits Jinchang to Explore Secrets to Jinchang's Growth

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-09-08 14:20:13

From September 3 to 5, the interview team of the "Amazing Gansu" Online International Communication Event delved into Jinchang, a decades-old industrial city, to fully explore the secrets behind its growing popularity and witnessing its remarkable achievements in industrial upgrading, agricultural innovation, and green development.

Industrial Upgrading: Empowered by Technological Innovation

At Jinchuan Group, the interview team gained in-depth insights into its profound technical foundations and innovation capabilities. As an industry leader, Jinchuan Group demonstrated the extensive application of high-end technologies in modern industrial sector with its advanced smelting technology, precise manufacturing processes, innovative unmanned control systems, and comprehensive product distribution system. Leveraging its unique mineral resources, the Group injected strong momentum into the city's industrial upgrading, highlighting the strength and responsibility of a Chinese industrial enterprise on the global stage. At Jinchuan Science and Technology Museum, the interview team, along with the "International Experience Officers" from Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, witnessed the development journey and prospects of Jinchuan Group, expressing high expectations for the future development of Jinchang's industrial sector.

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The "International Experience Officers" experiencing mining via VR [Photo by Wang Qiying]

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Inside the Jinchuan Science and Technology Museum [Photo by Wang Qiying]

Agricultural Innovation: Boosting Income Growth through Industrial Upgrading

Jinchang's development extends beyond the industrial sector to significant achievements in animal husbandry and agriculture. In Yongchang County, advanced breeding techniques and efficient management models have created a complete industry chain from pasture to table, achieving sustainable development and industrial upgrading of animal husbandry. Gansu Yuansheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd., as a representative of this progress, impressed the interview team with its modern breeding facilities and scientific management approach, providing a fresh perspective on Jinchang's modern animal husbandry industry. Through agricultural innovation, Jinchang has not only enhanced production efficiency and product quality of animal husbandry but also increased farmers' incomes considerably.

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The intelligent milking workshop at Yuansheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. [Photo by Wang Qiying]

Green Development: New Ecological Landscapes with Improved Living Conditions

Jinchang has made significant strides in green development. Zijinyuan Scenic Area embodies the city's integrated design concept of "A city embraced by landscape, landscape woven into the city". The scenic spot, marked by color coordination and atmosphere creation, features various zones planted with lavender, verbena and other flowering species, forming a scenic pattern dominated by shades of purple and gold. The construction of Zijinyuan Scenic Area has not only beautified the urban environment but also improved the residents' quality of life. Meanwhile, in the vast Gobi Desert, Jinchang has established the No. 1 Mars Base, an aerospace-themed scenic area based on the local Mars-like terrain. This unique site integrates aerospace research, aerospace science education, and simulated Mars life and Mars tourism, injecting new vitality into Jinchang's green development.

With its remarkable achievements in industrial upgrading, agricultural innovation, and green development, Jinchang has demonstrated the transformation and upgrading path of an industrial old city, providing valuable insights for other regions. Looking ahead, Jinchang will continue to embrace the development philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared growth, promoting the sustainable and healthy economic and social development while contributing more to the modernization of Gansu and the whole China.

(Text by Wang Qiying)

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Aerial view of the No. 1 Mars Base [Photo by Zhao Lin]

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Spacecraft models inside the "Mars Base 1" exhibition hall. [Photo by Wang Qiying]

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Aerial view of Zijinyuan Scenic Area [Photo via the Publicity Department of the CPC Jinchang Municipal Committee]

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