Uncover the Wonders of Liaoning's Mountains and Seas— An Invitation to Domestic and International Tourists

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-06-13 09:06:42

Uncover the Wonders of Liaoning's Mountains and Seas— An Invitation to Domestic and International Tourists_fororder_辽宁1

The setting of the Liaoning Cultural Industry Investment Promotion Conference, photo by Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

The Liaoning Cultural Industry Investment Promotion Conference kicked off in Shenzhen on June 8.

Uncover the Wonders of Liaoning's Mountains and Seas— An Invitation to Domestic and International Tourists_fororder_辽宁2

Niuheliang Neolithic Archaeological Site in Chaoyang, a city in Liaoning Province, photo by Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Uncover the Wonders of Liaoning's Mountains and Seas— An Invitation to Domestic and International Tourists_fororder_辽宁3

Shenyang Imperial Palace, photo by Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

At the conference, Zhao Hui, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism expounded on the virtues of Liaoning. As introduced by Zhao Hui, Liaoning is the only province in Northeast China that has both a coastal line and shares a border with another country. Liaoning boasts cultural abundance, exemplified by the Hongshan Culture, Sanyan Culture, Culture of the Liao and Jin Dynasties, Great Wall Culture, and Early Qing Dynasty Culture. All highlight regional cultural magnificence. The province is renowned for a group of cultural sites and venues, consisting of six sites that have been on the World Heritage List, 159 Major Historical and Cultural Sites that are subject to national-level preservation, 76 representative items placed on the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage, 218 representative items listed under Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage, as well as 37 cultural and artistic troupes and 125registered museums. These sites and venues have contributed to the region's prominence in cultural advancement and prosperity.

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Liaohe Lyushuiwan Scenic Area in Panjin, a city in Liaoning Province, photo by Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Liaoning possesses distinctive tourism resources. With 558 A-level scenic areas, it enthralls visitors with its unique beauty throughout various seasons. In spring, tourists can relish the sight of blooming flowers and chirping birds, while summer days offer a refreshing escape from the heat. Autumn brings stunning views of maple trees and fruitful harvests and winter provides opportunities to revel in winter sports and indulge in hot springs. The charm of this northern province is embedded in the diverse experiences it offers to tourists across four seasons.

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Beilyu Pastoral Scenic Area-Heifengguan Ancient Town in Panjin, a city in Liaoning Province, photo by Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

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Yalu River Broken Bridge in Dandong, a city in Liaoning Province, photo by Liaoning Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

"Liaoning is an open and inclusive region that embodies the values of harmony and happiness, leading its inhabitants to be known for their generosity and humor. It's no wonder why the province has earned itself the reputation as a land of humor and a sea of joy," said Zhao Hui. Zhao extended a heartfelt invitation to all guests and friends, both domestic and international, to experience the natural wonders of Liaoning firsthand.


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