Recently, a quaint teahouse nestling in Shen'ao Village, an ancient village of Jiangnan Town, Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, has captured the attention of many people. The retro teahouse exuding a timeless charm has attracted the locals of Shen'ao Village and tourists stopping over and taking pictures.
Launch Ceremony
At the launch ceremony of the Shen'ao Teahouse released the village rules and regulations: "Pay attention to public hygiene." "Do not litter." "Dress well." "Behave in a civilized manner." "Do not gamble." "Do not quarrel." "Show hospitality and courtesy." All of these demonstrate the enduring civilization of Shen'ao Village as well as the hospitality of people in Jiangnan (areas south of the Yangtze River).
Launch Ceremony
In recent years, the ancient village in Tonglu County has been actively building a Shen'ao art block featuring hundreds of craftsmen. Serving the purpose of building beautiful, future, and digital villages, the town, village and enterprises have been working together to protect and develop the architectural complex in Shen'ao Village, a key historical and cultural site under provincial-level protection, creating Shen'ao Village's landmark Internet-famous site - Shen'ao Teahouse.
Launch Ceremony
Home to a total population of more than 4,000 residents, Shen'ao Village is the largest natural village in Tonglu County. There are more than 1,100 elderly people over 60 years old, and over 100 elderly people aged 90 and above, making it a veritable longevity village. "The ancient buildings in the village have become a gathering place for the elderly. This old teahouse allows them to socialize and communicate more, so that they can enjoy their later years in peace," said Shentu Yongjun, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Shen'ao Village, Jiangnan Town. (Text/Photo by Su Wen and Liu Huiling)
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