Gansu Successfully Completes First-ever Live-Line Work on 330 kV Powerlines at High Altitudes

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-11-22 16:45:31

Gansu Successfully Completes First-ever Live-Line Work on 330 kV Powerlines at High Altitudes_fororder_图片8

On October 20, employees of the State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") were carrying out equipotential live-line work with the help of "drone + electric lifting device" at the defect elimination site of 330 kV 3G193 -- Citan Substation to Duohe Substation -- Transmission Line II (No. 198) in Hezuo City, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. This operation marks Gansu Province's first-ever high-altitude live-line work for 330 kV transmission lines.

Gansu Successfully Completes First-ever Live-Line Work on 330 kV Powerlines at High Altitudes_fororder_图片9

Due to the average altitude of over 3,000 meters and harsh climate in Gannan region, the traditional method for defect elimination requires a prolonged power outage, which affects the reliability of power supply. Additionally, during maintenance operations, workers will experience physical exertion while operating on towers in oxygen-deprived and low-temperature conditions, thereby lowering the efficiency of defect elimination on lines.

Gansu Successfully Completes First-ever Live-Line Work on 330 kV Powerlines at High Altitudes_fororder_图片10

During the operation, the Company's Equipment Management Department and the relevant expert team from Gansu Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Co., Ltd. have conducted thorough experimental demonstrations to ensure the safety and feasibility of the task. With concerted efforts of maintenance personnel, the live-line defect elimination task was successfully completed, providing valuable experience for subsequent regular live-line operations in similar high-altitude areas.

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