Wuhan Grassroots Power Supply Station Constructs Smart Microgrid

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-05-14 10:15:12

On May 10th, State Grid Wuhan Electric Power Supply Company welcomed a diverse group of guests, including foreign residents, government officials, representatives from businesses, and local residents, for a tour of the digitalized power supply station in Panlong City, Huangpi District. During the visit, they had the opportunity to explore and learn about the integrated smart microgrid energy system, which combines solar energy, storage, and charging capabilities.

Wuhan Grassroots Power Supply Station Constructs Smart Microgrid_fororder_图片1

Foreign visitors touring the power supply station. Courtesy of State Grid Wuhan Power Supply Company.

The Panlong City Power Supply Station was completed and opened to the public in October 2023. This station comprises a large carport with 20 charging facilities. The carport is adorned with solar panels that harness sunlight to generate electricity, which is promptly fed into a towering storage unit situated at one corner of the facility.

On the carport, there are 99 solar panels installed. During daylight hours, they generate around 73 kWh of electricity per hour, and with abundant sunshine, the daily output can reach up to 300 kWh. Since its installation, the solar equipment at the charging station has produced a total of 21,800 kWh of electricity, which is sufficient to charge standard new energy vehicles nearly 400 times.

Panglong City Power Supply Station director Wang Zhuang described how the charging station operates as an independent microgrid, thanks to its integration of solar panels, energy storage, and charging facilities. The green electricity it generates follows a cycle from generation to storage, and then to charging and discharging, creating an internal loop. This setup enables the station to meet its operational and charging needs through self-generated power.

Sultan, a doctoral student from Pakistan studying at Hubei University, highlighted the Panglong City Power Supply Station's self-sustaining green energy production as both exemplary and crucial for advancing dual carbon goals. He expressed his intention to actively advocate for this technology in his home country, thereby assisting in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

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