"Discovery of Diversified Beijing · Decoding New Quality Productive Forces" Online Thematic Publicity Event Is to Be Launched Soon

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-06-01 10:45:36

CRI Online News (Reporter Han Donglin): Beijing has successfully used its advantages in education, skill in science and technology, a sizable capital market, green development, and regional coordination in recent years. It supports a dynamic growth paradigm and creates new, high-quality, productive forces. The purpose of the June 3–5 online thematic publicity event, "Discovery of Diversified Beijing · Decoding New Quality Productive Forces," is to provide a comprehensive overview of Beijing's noteworthy accomplishments in developing new quality forces. It is overseen by the Office of Cyber Communications, Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission. It is hosted by the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee's Office of Cyberspace Affairs Commission, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration, and co-hosted by the CPC Chaoyang District Committee, CRI Online.

Beijing keeps moving in the direction of the "new" and strives for "quality" excellence. Beijing consistently sets new standards for the development of high-caliber productive forces, serving as a national and even international center for technological innovation. A number of initiatives have been implemented by the city to support developing and future industries. Global attention has been drawn to the industries experiencing rapid expansion, such as big data and artificial intelligence.

"Discovery of Diversified Beijing · Decoding New Quality Productive Forces" Online Thematic Publicity Event Is to Be Launched Soon_fororder_配图

Along with media representatives from Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Slovenia, reporters from China Media Group's Asian and Africa Language Programs Center, European and Latin American Language Programs Center, and Beijing Daily, bjnews.com.cn, YNET.com, Qianlong.com, and Btime.com will also be present at the event. Reporters from China Media Group's CRI Online will also be participating. This multi-ethnic media group will tour several representative businesses and organizations in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Haidian District, Daxing District, and Chaoyang District. In areas like the internet, artificial intelligence, digital security, and intelligent connected vehicles, they will experience Beijing's new industries, models, and driving forces up close and personal. They will also become fully immersed in Beijing's innovative accomplishments and real-world experience in a variety of fields.

Using multilingual, multi-terminal, and integrated media approaches, the media delegation will cover the event in-depth for both domestic and foreign audiences. This will provide a clearer understanding of Beijing's successes in developing new, high-quality, productive forces. They will present an innovative, vibrant, and future-focused Beijing to the world through various viewpoints. They will also interpret the innovation and advancement embodied in Beijing's new quality productive forces and tell the compelling story of Beijing's accelerated construction as an international center for science and technology innovation.

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