Honorary Citizens' Talk about Dalian | Zhang Yunfeng, Vice President of Cambodia-China Friendship Association: Dalian Is a Top City in Northeast China

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-06-26 20:41:27

On May 24, 2024, Zhang Yunfeng, Vice President of the Cambodia-China Friendship Association was honored with the title of "Honorary Citizen of Dalian", becoming the first Cambodian to receive this distinction.

Zhang Yunfeng studied here when he was young and returned after a successful career, driven by a desire to promote non-governmental exchanges and interaction between China and Cambodia. Over the past decades, he has visited Dalian nearly a hundred times, making significant contributions to the development of economic cooperation and friendship between the two countries, and the deepening of the bond between their people.

Honorary Citizens' Talk about Dalian | Zhang Yunfeng, Vice President of Cambodia-China Friendship Association: Dalian Is a Top City in Northeast China_fororder_图片1

On May 24, 2024, Chen Shaowang (right), Deputy Secretary of the CPC Dalian Municipal Committee and Mayor of Dalian, met with Zhang Yunfeng at Bangchui Island Hotel, Dalian City

[Photo from this activity]

"Dalian is My Root"

Zhang Yunfeng often spent his childhood vacations in Dalian. Here, he enjoyed riding trams with tickets costing less than CNY 0.1 and learned to play Dalian poker with his peers. He also pursued a degree in chemical engineering at Dalian University of Technology.

"I often say that I am a native of Dalian and I feel very proud of it," said Zhang, "although I was not born here, I feel that Dalian is my root."

"In my childhood memories, Dalian was a comfortable place. Now, it has transformed into a diverse international metropolis. People from various regions and countries live here, and countless high-rise buildings have sprung up. It's gotten to the point where I, a native of Dalian, can hardly recognize it," Zhang said with a smile.

In 2009, Zhang Yunfeng returned to Dalian again as the chairman of Golden Fortune (Cambodia) Securities Plc., bringing fresh ideas and thoughts on China-Cambodia economic and trade development. "I believe I can play a bigger role in here,  after experiencing the wider world."

In Zhang's view, Dalian is a city with a unique character in northeast China, or an atypical city in the region. "With unique port advantages, Dalian has long been a strategic hub for both sea and land transportation. The city boasts well-developed industries, superior climatic conditions, an enchanting urban landscape, and clean and orderly blocks...From economic development to city appearance, Dalian can be called a top city in northeast China." Zhang expressed his optimism about Dalian from both personal and business perspectives.

Nowadays, Golden Fortune (Cambodia) Securities Plc. has carried out in-depth cooperation with Dalian in multiple fields such as economy and trade and real estate.

Honorary Citizens' Talk about Dalian | Zhang Yunfeng, Vice President of Cambodia-China Friendship Association: Dalian Is a Top City in Northeast China_fororder_图片2

Zhang Yunfeng appreciates Chinese calligraphy works [Photo by Huang Fei]

Join Hands with Dalian to Move Forward—"Make a Difference for Dalian"

"Every time I hear the music of My People, My Country while overseas, I'm filled with a lot of emotions." Because of this deep connection, Zhang Yunfeng has continuously promoted Dalian wherever he goes, actively creating opportunities for non-governmental interaction and official exchanges between China and Cambodia.

Thanks to his efforts, relevant departments and enterprises in Dalian have established multiple cooperation and exchange mechanisms with Cambodia across various fields, including tourism, economy and trade, and culture. Additionally, Dalian has forged friendly cooperative relations with Siem Reap Province of Cambodia.

The Cambodia-China Friendship Association, with Zhang Yunfeng as its vice president, has been committed to strengthening and expanding the profound friendship and friendly cooperation among the peoples of Cambodia, China, and ASEAN for many years. The association maintains close ties with the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-ASEAN Association. Together, they have launched the China-ASEAN People-to-People Friendship Conference, a mechanism activity for fostering people-to-people exchanges between China and the ten ASEAN member states. This activity has significantly contributed to promoting practical exchanges and cooperation among China, Cambodia, and ASEAN. It has also played a crucial role in helping Dalian deeply integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative and tapping the potential resources of RCEP member countries and the 10 ASEAN member states.

Speaking of these, Zhang Yunfeng just smiled and said: "These are all minor things. It is my duty to do something for my Dalian."

"Dalian has clearly made great efforts to expand its foreign exchanges in recent years," remarked by Zhang. "I think we are currently experiencing the best period in the history of China-Cambodia relations. We should seize this opportunity to take a more proactive role in promoting dual exchanges and cooperation, thereby consolidating the traditional friendship between our two countries."

Zhang Yunfeng hopes that Dalian can make greater strides in "going global", and give full play to its advantages to attract international talent and funds. As an honorary citizen, he reaffirmed his commitment to actively promoting Dalian, serving as an excellent spokesperson for the city and a friendly envoy for bilateral economic and trade relations.

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