Wives of Ambassadors from Nine Countries Visit Shaanxi Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd.

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-09-18 11:46:42

On September 11, the wives of ambassadors to China from the nine countries of Cape Verde, Comoros, Latvia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Micronesia, North Macedonia, Tajikistan, and Vanuatu visited Shaanxi Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd. (STHG), where they learned about the company's innovative achievements in smart transportation and the development of featured service areas.

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Group photo at STHG

At the STHG exhibition hall and Road Network Inspection Command Center, the foreign dignitaries were briefed on the history of expressways in Shaanxi and how the smart transportation system works and generates benefits. STHG applies cutting-edge big data analysis and intelligent transportation management systems to improve efficiency and create the ideal travel experience. The ambassadors' wives praised the company’s hard work optimizing expressway operations, reducing congestion, and increasing safety and expressed a desire to see their experience benefit other countries.

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Visiting the exhibition hall

Later, the ambassadors' wives visited the Ziwu Service Area, built by STHG, an Internet-famous spot that has attracted countless tourists and drivers with its modern facilities and unique cultural offerings. The service area has innovatively combined transportation services and tourism in a Tang culture-themed dining zone, virtual reality (VR) experience center, camping site for recreational vehicles, and many local specialty products on display. The ambassadors' wives were given a special opportunity to experience the service area through a series of exciting activities that included making traditional handicrafts, taking a VR ride, sampling specialty teas, admiring the autumn scenery of the Zhongnan Mountains, and trying out local delicacies.

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Observing the Road Network Inspection Command Center in action

During the visit, the ambassadors' wives were able to interact with the staff and expressed a hope China and the West would work together to develop smart transportation and integrate it with tourism, emphasizing the importance of transportation infrastructure for economic development. They noted with particular interest the new opportunities brought about by technological advancements to the governance of global transportation and looked forward to closer cooperation with STHG.

Wives of Ambassadors from Nine Countries Visit Shaanxi Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd._fororder_图片9

Getting a closer look at the Xi'an Outer Ring Expressway Ziwu Service Area

Finally, the ambassadors' wives noted the way smart transportation makes travel more efficient and contributes to environmental protection and sustainable development, acknowledged STHG's efforts in promoting green transportation, and encouraged the company to develop even more innovative solutions for a smarter and greener future.

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