Beijing Yanqing: Lantern Riddle Festival launched in Kangzhuang Town

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-02-21 13:58:46

With the cheerful sounds of drums and splendid lion dance performance, the first 'Celebrate the Lantern Festival, Guess lantern riddles' Lantern Riddle Festival in Kangzhuang Town, Yanqing, Beijing was launched in the Kangzhuang Town Cultural and Sports Center on the evening of February 18.

Beijing Yanqing: Lantern Riddle Festival launched in Kangzhuang Town

Caption: Yangko performance in the event [photo by Wang Ran]

The Lantern Riddle Festival was full of festive atmosphere. There were couples scrambling to write down their hopes for a better life in the New Year's message area, and there were tourists in the New Year's brocade gift wall area wishing to win prizes as well. In the lucky lantern riddle zone, many tourists and their families joined forces to guess riddles. Many brainstorming contests between the tourists were staged.

Beijing Yanqing: Lantern Riddle Festival launched in Kangzhuang Town

Caption: A tourist solved the riddle and won a prize [photo by Wang Ran]

One visitor said that because the Beijing Expo 2019 was about to be held in Yanqing, many lantern riddles in the event were related to horticulture. He not only felt the strong cultural atmosphere, but also learnt a lot of knowledge related to horticulture.

Beijing Yanqing: Lantern Riddle Festival launched in Kangzhuang Town

Caption: There were many tourists in the event [photo by Wang Ran]

It is known that this Lantern Riddle Festival combined festival culture with the Beijing Expo 2019 and other elements, which made people experience a different Expo Year in the traditional festival atmosphere. (Author: Wang Ran)

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