Beijing's Vibe of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chinese Solar Terms – End of Heat

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-08-22 15:53:33

Beijing's Vibe of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chinese Solar Terms – End of Heat_fororder_中国节气里的京味非遗项目节气海报-处暑-英语

As the End of Heat approaches, the oppressive heat is yielding to cool breezes. Want to experience the tradition of setting the river lanterns afloat and feel the charm of Beijing's intangible cultural heritage? Check out the latest episode in our "Beijing's Vibe of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chinese Solar Terms" series! In this episode, a Thai host will take you on a first-person journey through time, exploring the rich traditions of Beijing in the picturesque setting of Beijing WTown.

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