Special Event of 'New Energy Vehicles and Intelligent Manufacturing' of Huachuang Conference Kicks off

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-11-22 17:10:06

On November 17, a special event of the 2022 Conference on Overseas Chinese Pioneering and Developing in China (hereinafter referred to as "Huachuang Conference"), which is titled "New Energy Vehicles and Intelligent Manufacturing", was held in Wuhan, China. During this special event dedicated to Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Zone"), the Zone welcomed overseas Chinese in China and abroad to contribute to the local innovation capacity and start businesses, together for new opportunities for high-quality development.


The signing ceremony held in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone [Photo by Zhang Yongliang]

A total of six projects were signed, with a contracted amount of CNY 2.7 billion.


Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone [Photo by Li Kui]

Since 2017, the Zone has been an active host of Huachuang Conference, carrying out several special promotion activities which resulted in the introduction of more than 100 projects. The relevant person in charge of the Zone sent an invitation to overseas Chinese, which says: "We have prepared a series of support policies for industries, innovation, talent, etc., which cover various aspects such as support for settling and construction of enterprises, facilitation of integration of enterprises into the regional supply chain support, and policies concerning direct investment funds. We will welcome overseas Chinese contributing to the Zone's innovation capacity and starting businesses here with the best service to help them realize their dreams."

Built for the automobile industry and became prosperous for it, after 31 years of development, Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone has gathered nine vehicle companies, 13 vehicle factories and more than 500 well-known companies manufacturing parts, with an annual output of one million vehicles and an industrial output value of over CNY 320 billion. It is one of the areas with the highest concentration ratio in terms of the automobile industry in the country, and is therefore known as "China Auto Valley".

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